If you can't find the solution, join the community modding discord and ask for help in the appropriate channels.
If an update has been downloaded, it will be installed once you have closed the application. R2modman will automatically download any available updates whilst you use it. Problems with Linux builds should be reported in the r2modman discord. If you'd prefer to install platform specific builds then you can find them under the latest GitHub release on the ebkr/r2modmanPlus repository Run the "r2modman Setup X.X.X.exe" (where X.X.X is the current version).
Click "Manual Download" on Thunderstore.
You can choose to update, enable/disable or even uninstall mods with a simple click, all whilst keeping it available on another profile. It's quite simple really, a mod manager is an application to make it easier to control which mods you have installed.
Edit configs directly from the manager.
Download and install mods directly from the manager.
Export profiles to easily share both your mods and configs with friends.
Mod profiles to switch between different sets of mods quickly and easily.
Safer mod installation allowing you to play the game through Steam normally.
A clean user interface designed to make modding as simple as possible.
Support for Risk of Rain 2, Dyson Sphere Program, Valheim, GTFO, Outward, TaleSpire, H3VR, ROUNDS, Mechanica, Muck, BONEWORKS, Lethal League Blaze, Timberborn, and Totally Accurate Battle Simulator.