The player then has two options, to either follow the stone walkway forwards, making sure to avoid the attacks of a gargoyle, or drop off a walkway to the right and follow ledges down before running up some stairs into the boss arena. The player will need to go to the Profaned Capital bonfire, and then take the long ladder down which can be found on the edge of the tower.

Reaching Yhorm could prove taxing in itself, however, as the journey to the boss is a treacherous one. As one of the three Lords of Cinder, Yhorm the Giant is a required boss battle in order to progress through the game, so taking on this boss is essential. Here is another guide to one of the bosses in Dark Souls III: Yhorm the Giant. Whether it be the intimidating Nameless King or the mysterious Abyss Watchers, thankfully Game Rant has you covered when it comes to strategy guides for these boss fights. When it comes to actually fighting these bosses, however, some players may need to have a particular strategy in mind to be successful.

Dark Souls III is no different, with a huge variety of boss battles that have been teased in the tantalizing trailers that appeared before the game's release. When it comes to the Dark Souls series, one of the most alluring parts of the action RPG franchise is the expectation of thrilling and difficult boss battles. Players needing a helping hand with the Yhorm the Giant boss battle from Dark Souls 3 need look no further than this guide on how to beat the Lord of Cinder.